Italy Genealogists

Our Italy genealogists research on location. They will find and analyze the best records available to further your family history research. They can search the various archives and libraries in Italy, including:

  • National Archives of Italy
    Holds all the records produced by the Italian State after its unification in 1861
  • State Archives
    Holds all State documents dating back to the Middle Ages, also notarial archives prior to the 20th century as well as the archives of ecclesiastical institutions and suppressed religious corporations
  • Provincial Archives (Archivio di Stato)
    Each province has its own archive, whch keeps church records, civil registrations, censuses, court records, military records, and notarial records
  • Lamezia Terme
    Nicastro district records since 1555
  • State Archive of Palermo, Sicily
    Keeps records of pre-unification states (1100-1816). Also documents of private households and religious corporations including over 6,000 scrolls (pergamene).
  • Local Civil Offices (Comune)
    Local government records since 1865, including birth, death, and marriage records
  • Libraries
    Local histories, ancient manuscripts, and unpublished works regarding heraldry and genealogy

  • Historical and Genealogical Societies
    Maintain libraries and archives that collect valuable records
  • Church Archives
  • Catholic: kept by local parish
  • Jewish: housed at synagogue for each city where a Jewish community existed or exists
  • Protestant: Archives of the Waldensians, the oldest Protestant group in the world, in Torre Pellice in the Province of Torino

If you want to know more about how our genealogists can further your research, you can request a research quote.

Our professional researchers can do research projects of many sizes and for many budgets. We customize the amount of research provided according to your needs.

National Archives of Italy
The National Archives of Italy holds all the records produced by the Italian state after its unification in 1861.

Provincial Archives (Archivio di Stato) in Italy
The Provincial Archives (Archivio di Stato) have many genealogical records.
In Italy, each province has its own archive which keeps most records of genealogical value, including church records, civil registration, censuses, court records, military records, and notarial records.

State Archive of Palermo, Italy.
The State Archive of Palermo has many genealogical records. It keeps records of pre-unification states, from 1100 to 1816. Also documents of private households and religious corporations including over 6,000 scrolls (pergamene).

Some of the major records sources that can be used for genealogy research in Italy include:

  • Births, deaths, and marriages recorded by churches from mid-1500s to present
  • Births, marriages, and deaths by both the civil authorities (stato civile in each town) and parishes in each town).
  • Military records (usually for those born in or before 1912
  • Passenger lists show town of birth and/or last residence.
  • Passports since 1900 (years vary by province)
  • Newspapers containing notices of marriages and obituaries
  • Town and county histories about the settlers and their families
  • Naturalization and citizenship records from 1790
  • Ship passenger lists, tax lists, and town
  • Notary acts from the 1400s
  • Statements of succession, cadastral certificates (land transactions), and wills

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